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Arterial Blood Gas (ABG)
Skills Practice

Arterial Blood Gas (ABG) retrieval is a key skill expected of junior doctors. In the critically unwell patient, this can be one of the only means of accessing quick biochemistry information that your management may depend on. It's commonly used in respiratory patients to determine patients pulmonary function and their suitability for supplementary oxygen.

About the Practical Session

We appreicate that there are millions of resources to learn the theoretical art of taking and interepting ABG's. Our skills practice sessions focus on providing you with a safe environment in which to repeatedly practice and maintain the practical skill of taking the blood. You are expected to come armed with the knowledge, a Clinical Skills Coach will be present, but they are there to assist you with your practice and offer assitance with technique.

The pre-requsite of this course, is to have studied and understood the following material:
GeekyMedic's - ABG Sampling 

Each practical skills session offers you an hour of practice, in a small group setting in which to learn, maintain and repeat skills.

All skills sessions can be added to your portfoilo for 1 CPD point.

Please see our booking page, or contact us directly to find out more about upcoming dates.

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